If you are looking to become a physician assistant, then you will need to earn your physician assistant degree. What you will find is that the physician assistant position is one that has increased in popularity and remains a steady choice in the medical industry. This professional is going to increase in demand in the coming years and that means there will be more employment options for them in the long run as well. Physician assistants, while not actually doctors, still have the potential to earn quite a bit of money.

When one looks at a physician assistant, they will find that these individuals remain licensed and registered in their state and they are part of a team that is made of healthcare professionals including doctors. The physician assistant will be focused on the maintenance, treatment and prevention of illnesses, while offering many of the healthcare services a doctor can provide. A physician assistant is certified to perform examinations, diagnose and treat sicknesses, order and then interpret lab tests, give advice on preventative healthcare, issue medical orders, aid in surgery and even write prescriptions. Before they can even begin this job though, they will need to take the time to obtain their physician assistant degree.

Those looking to become a physician assistant, should talk to current students to learn how the education process works. As with any position, it is generally a good idea to gather all the information you can on becoming a physician assistant. For example, certain websites such as mypatraining.com and its forum are well worth examining.

If you are looking to become a physician assistant, then the first thing you will want to do is to gather some medical experience before you enroll for your degree. You will find that most physician assistant programs require previous experience in the medical realm and this helps you to get accepted. It is normally adequate for applicants to these programs to have about 2 years of hands-on patient care under their belt. A variety of medical personnel will often apply for the physician assistant program and they can include nursing assistants, vocational nurses, physical therapy techs, military medics and other medical professionals.

For this process, you will want to look at the requirements that you will have to meet before you can enroll in this program. For example, prior to applying to a physician assistant program, students should get a bachelor’s degree in Health Science. However, other classes and courses that students may also pursue include Biology 101, English, Math, Microbiology, Physiology and Anatomy.

Taking time to research the physician assistant program is important as well. A general rule of thumb is to review the physician assistant program you are considering as each one will aid in different needs. This will mean you need to look at the requirements and review all the details of the program. 

You will also need to take the time to contact the program you are interested in. They ought to speak to a representative and inform him that they are interested in applying for said program. As part of the process, the student should ensure they get an informational packet as well.

Another good choice for students is to connect with graduates from the program. By talking to a newly graduated physician assistant, students can not only learn from him, but also potentially get their recommendation.

Another good choice will be to take the time to open an account with CASPA (Central Application Service for Physician Assistants). You will find a vast majority of programs will require that you apply to them via CASPA. Keep in mind that you will find that different programs will have different requirements for you to gain admission into their program. These applications for CASPA take a long while to work through, so students are advised to apply earlier rather than later. A good idea will be to gather all your employment and education information in advance. 

You will find that recommendations are going to be a vital part of the entry process into the program you are interested in and you should ensure you have them in advance. The minimum number of people writing recommendations is three, and at least one of said three has to be either a physician or a physician assistant.

A personal statement should be composed as well. As the student reviews the CASPA application, they should focus on answering each question in a concise and grammatically correct manner. Because of how important it is, you will want to ensure that you have someone proofread your statement.

If you are invited to an interview; you are already on the road to success. Prepare for this interview in advance by doing a mock interview with a physician assistant and ask them what they were asked in their interview. Above all, dress in a conservative manner and dress appropriately. 

By following all these steps, you increase your chances of getting into the physician assistant program. Once you have completed it, you will have your physician assistant degree. Of course, you will need to understand that even with your degree, you are still required to get certification to practice in your state. Only after obtaining this certification through additional hard work can they finally get approval to work as physician assistants in their state of residence. This of course means that the process continues even after you get your degree.